The Professional Enhancement Program challenges students in four categories linked to success: Special Projects (academic and/or practical), Internships (paid or unpaid and for credit or noncredit), Experiences (Social and practical), and Service Opportunities that allow them to apply theoretical knowledge and skills in real life settings.
Students in the program are assigned peer mentors, alumni mentors, and master mentors in their area of interest. During the fall semester, they meet weekly in groups to train and prepare for their assigned projects and to learn from experts, mentors, and guest lecturers. During the spring semester students develop and complete their projects, as well as prepare their presentations for the annual Pillars Conference held in August. At the end of the academic year, students who complete the program receive the PEP program completion badge verifying specific learned skills such as but not limited to dialogues on race facilitation skills, soft skills, and social values analysis skills.
There are many types of internships. An Internship is one of the best ways to gain professional experiences, while also enhancing your resume. Additionally, it is a great way to acquaint yourself with the opportunities and challenges within an industry, while learning universal values like responsibility, accountability, and teamwork.
The SBSHS Professional Enhancement Program (PEP), is a unique internship which pairs Broward College students with Broward College leaders and community professionals to gain experience and knowledge in their intended fields of study and/or careers. Internship providers who participate in the program share their time and talent to give interns meaningful, career-related experiences.
This program is designed for you to take on the roles and responsibilities of a valued member of any organization. In turn, your attendance, punctuality, dress, and work ethic should reflect your academic and professional aspirations, as well as your commitment to your parents, teachers, school, and peers.